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Our team is composed of leading researchers and experts from

the University of Virginia, the American Institutes of Research, and CREATE. 


Dr. Jennings and her colleagues at UVA's School of Education and Human Development posess extensive expertise in school-based research on teacher development.


AIR is one of the largest education and social science research organizations in the world and will conduct research for Project ENGAGE

CREATE is exclusively licensed to deliver CARE to school personnel and provides other research-backed, mindfulness-based SEL programs with high degrees of fidelity. 


The United States Department of Education - Education Innovation Research has generously funded Project ENGAGE under Grant #S411B230020

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Tish Jennings, Ph.D., has extensive experience in conducting and coordinating school-based research focusing on teacher development. 

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Tish Jennings, M.Ed., Ph.D.

Professor, University of Virginia


With a PhD in Learning Science and an MS in Applied Developmental Psychology,  Tara Hofkens examines how stress influences children’s engagement, learning, and development in school.

Tara Hofkens, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor, University of Virginia

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Pamela Nicholas-Hoff, Ph.D., holds a Virginia postgraduate professional teaching license and is a certified CARE facilitator. Her research interests focus on using mindfulness-, compassion-, and equity-based practices to reduce implicit bias and discipline disparities.

Pamela Nicholas-Hoff, M.Ed., Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Research Associate,

University of Virginia


Ava Michael, M.Ed., currently works a project coordinator at the University of Virginia. Her research interests include identifying protective factors that improve youth mental health and identifying factors that enhance a positive school climate. 

Ava Michael, M.Ed.

Project Coordinator,

University of Virginia


Golda Barrow, Ph.D., is the project manager for Project ENGAGE. She earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to this role, Barrow was a project manager at the University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute. 

Golda Barrow, Ph.D.

Project Manager,

University of Virginia


With experience and expertise in evaluating school-based student support initiatives, Kim Kendizora, Ph.D., focuses on evaluations of school- and community-based initiatives to promote social and emotional learning among students.  

Kim Kendizora, Ph.D.

Managing Researcher, American Institutes for Research

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Yibing Li, Ph.D., specializes in research design and advanced quantitative methods. She directs and co-directs large scale research and evaluation projects funded by the Institute for Education Science, Administration for Children & Families, and the Office of Elementary & Secondary Education.

Yibing Li, Ph.D.

Principal Researcher,

American Institutes for Research


Dennis Williams II is a doctoral student at the University of Virginia. His research interests include critical paradigms, anti-oppressive education, and contemplative pedagogy. A former special education teacher, he is a research assistant in the Contemplative Teaching and Learning Lab.  

Dennis Williams II, M.A., M.Ed.

Ph.D. Student,

University of Virginia

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Pete Rehder, Ph.D., has extensive expertise in social and emotional development, developmental psychopathology, parent-child relationships, psychobiology, program evaluation, research methods, and complex quantitative data analysis. 

Pete Rehder, Ph.D.


American Institutes for Research

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Mark T. Greenberg, Ph.D., is Emeritus Professor at Penn State and the founding director of the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center. Currently, his areas of research include prevention of behavioral health problems, and promotion of wellbeing in youth and their caregivers.

Mark T. Greenberg, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus,

Pennsylvania State University 


Dorothy Morelli, M.Ed., is a career educator with more than 30 years of experience in elementary and secondary education. Morelli served as CEO of PATHS Education Worldwide and is now a partner in Social Emotional Learning Worldwide

Dorothy Morelli, M.Ed.

Chief Executive Officer, 


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